diumenge, 4 de desembre del 2011


Benvolguts pares i mares:

S'acosta el Nadal, del qual el vostre fill o filla ha après coses a la classe d'anglès i ha participat en molts jocs divertits relacionats amb aquesta festa.
          També ha cantat Jingle Bells (P3), Here comes Father Christmas (P4), Down the chimney (P5),i ha elaborat un dibuix encunyat que movia alhora que cantava la cançó.

JINGLE BELLS (pista 30)

Jingle bells, Jingle bells, On the tree today.
Jingle bells, Jingle bells, On the tree today.
Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Christmas time is here.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Chritsmas time is here.


Here comes Father Christmas!
Here comes Father Christmas!
Here comes Father Christmas!
To Cheeky's town!

With lots of lovely presents,
With lots of lovely presents,
With lots of lovely presents,
For me and for you.


Father Christmas, Ho, ho, ho!!! Down the chimney, Watch him go!
On his head, he's got a red hat. On his body, he's got a read coat.
On his feet, he's got big boots. In his hands , he's got a big sack.
Father Christmas, Ho, ho, ho!!!Downs the chimney, Watch him go!

Poseu la cançó tantes vegades cpm pugueu durant el Nadal i animeu a cantar a tota la família.

Que passeu un Bon Nadal!!!!

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